Painting by Phil Musen

Paintings by Lisa Hoffner

Painting by Lisa Hoffner

Drawings and Paintings by Anya Smolnikova

Drawing by Anya Smolnikova

Painting by Anya Smolnikova

Painting by Anya Smolnikova

 Painting by Anya Smolnikova

Painting by Anya Smolnikova

Drawing by Anya Smolnikova

Collaborative Paintings by Phil Musen and Katie Brockway

Collaborative Painting by Phil Musen and Katie Brockway

Collaborative Painting by Phil Musen and Katie Brockway

Painting by Phil Musen

Painting by Phil Musen

Painting by Anna Frischknecht

Painting by Katya Popova

Mixed Media by Katya Popova

Mixed Media by Jon Carrasquillo

Mixed Media by Katya Popova

Mixed Media by Kira Leigh (Paintings below by Phil Musen)

Mixed Media by Kira Leigh

Mixed Media by Kira Leigh

Mixed Media by Kira Leigh

Mixed Media by Kira Leigh

Plastic Bag Trash Can by Katya Popova

Mixed Media by Katie Brockway

Mixed media by Katie Brockway

Mixed Media by Katie Brockway

Found Metal Pieces by Shannon Wright

Mixed Media by Shannon Wright

 Painting by Shannon Wright

 Paintings by Shannon Wright

Paintings by Shannon Wright

 Mixed Media by Shannon Wright

Mixed Media by Shannon Wright

Mixed Media by Shannon Wright

Painting by Phil Musen

Painting by Phil Musen

Painting by Lisa Hoffner

The Small Works Wall

Painting by Phil Musen

 Painting by Phil Musen

Painting by Phil Musen

Handmade Candles by Phil Musen and Shannon Wright

Performance Art by Yuka Takahashi

Music by Jeff Glazier

Music by Dan Pirello

Thank you to all of the artists, musicians and performers who were a part of this show and to all who attended the opening! We appreciate everyone's support... we couldn't do it without you!